The Vestavia Hills High School football team successfully claimed a spot in the state championship playoffs. In the first round they were placed against Austin High School located in Decatur, Alabama. In support of the football players and the cross country state championship occurring the same weekend, VHHS held a pep rally where all students dressed uniformly in neon attire. At the pep rally, the Varsity Cheerleaders, Rockets, and Colorguard performed fabulous routines, incorporating the neon theme into their attire and props.
An unexpected solo performer shocked students and faculty at the pep rally. A few weeks ago at the Vestavia Hills High School annual Talent Show, senior Andrew Syzmela surprised the audience with his talent as a pianist. Andrew left the crowd in amazement after performing “Runaway” by Kanye West accompanied by an incredible backdrop video he created himself. The video consisted of a multitude of his favorite movie clips, which enhanced the emotion and intensity of his performance. At the playoff pep rally, Andrew once again amazed the crowd with his unique mashup of Beethoven’s “Fur Elise'' and Dr. Dre’s “Still Dre '' that he played on the keyboard. Andrew describes the style of his performance as “classical meets hip-hop.” At the end of his keyboard performance, the gym lights were cut and the recorded single of “Still Dre'' played over the sound system. Andrew left his instrument and tumbled down the center of the gym floor, illuminated only by the students' neon accessories. The crowd roared in approval and was astonished by Andrew’s talent. Vestavia Hills High School students and faculty look forward to what Andrew Syzmela will surprise them with next!
Throughout the fall, tensions regarding the winner of the spirit stick have been apparent. At the playoff pep rally, the senior class took matters into their own hands to ensure a victory for the band. When the time came for the seniors to cheer for their grade, they collectively sat silently in the bleachers. Immediately following, the band was addressed and the seniors went crazy in support of the band. Other grades followed their lead, landing the band an exhilarating spirit stick victory.
To close the pep rally, Coach Evans, VHHS varsity football head coach, stirred the crowd up in support of the football team and the cross country teams. The groups were very successful as the football team won in a 52-10 defeat against Austin, the women's cross country team placed third in the state championship, and the men’s cross country team placed first in the state championship. The Vestavia Hills community is incredibly proud of these teams! Go Rebels!!!