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Katie Huang

VHHS wins 2nd at UAB Science Olympiad Regional Tournament

On Saturday, February 10th, Vestavia Hills High School’s Science Olympiad Team attended the Science Olympiad Regional Tournament hosted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham. VHHS competed against schools like LAMP High School, Indian Springs School, Alabama School of Fine Arts, Hoover High School, the Randolph School, among others. 

Throughout Saturday morning and into the afternoon, students competed in events relating to various fields of science, from astronomy to forensics to wind power. Science Olympiad is composed of 23 different events that fall into five categories. The first category is life, personal, and social science which involves events like Anatomy and Physiology, Disease Detectives, Ecology, Forestry, and Microbe Mission. Earth and space science is another category, and these events include Astronomy, Dynamic Planet, Fossils, and Geologic Mapping. The category of physical science and chemistry includes Air Trajectory, Chem Lab, Detector Building, Forensics, Optics, and Wind Power events. The technology and engineering category encompasses events like Flight, Robot Tour, Scrambler, and Tower. Lastly, inquiry and nature of science events includes Codebusters, Experimental Design, Fermi Questions, and Write It Do It. 

The structure of these events differs as well. Events like Forestry or Fossils are academic or study events, where students will test their knowledge on a topic through written tests. Other events, such as those in the technology and engineering category, have a building component to them. For example, in the Tower event, students must assemble a structurally efficient tower that will hold a certain weight. Some events, like Chem Lab, may have a hands-on or lab component. Other events may be a hybrid. For example, Wind Power has both a test and build portion. Students must construct a working blade assembly from a CD that is able to generate wind power as well as complete a test on the principles of wind power. No two events are the same, so there is something for everyone to choose what they want to specialize in. 

Science Olympiad at VHHS is coached by AP Chemistry teacher Mrs. Sutherland. Science Olympiad meets daily as an 8th period class. Students dedicate their time to practicing for their events, whether it is taking countless practice tests, testing out builds, or revising notes. 

The UAB Science Olympiad regional tournament was organized entirely by volunteers. Student volunteers proctored events, wrote, and scored tests. Many are former Science Olympiad members, including some VHHS alumni. At the regional tournament, VHHS placed second, allowing them to continue and advance to the Alabama State Tournament! The State Science Olympiad Tournament will be held at Auburn University on Saturday, March 23rd. Here, the top winners from regional tournaments across Alabama will all compete for a chance at representing the state of Alabama at the Science Olympiad National Tournament at Michigan State University. 

VHHS students placed in the top three for several events including: Air Trajectory (3rd - Robert Colvin and Jeb Savage), Anatomy and Physiology (2nd - Anusha Singh and Lily Xie), Detector Building (3rd - Thomas Moravec and Jeffery Wu), Disease Detectives (1st - Hope Johnson and Anusha Singh), Experimental Design (2nd - Henry Groce, Corra Maddox, and Jeb Savage), Flight (1st - Hud Green and Jeb Savage), Forestry (2nd - Garrett Zinsmeister), Microbe Mission (3rd - Vincent Fang and Hope Johnson), and Robot Tour (2nd - Thomas Moravec and Vincent Fang).

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