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The Gardening Rebels: A “Fresh” Club at Vestavia Hills High School

A club brand new to Vestavia Hills High School is the Gardening Rebels. The Gardening Rebels club is sponsored by Mrs. Lauren Vernon, a Dual Enrollment English and English 12 teacher at VHHS. Mrs. Vernon has a considerable amount of experience working with plants and even maintains a large garden of her own at home.

The Gardening Rebels plan to create a vegetable garden at the Vestavia Hills High School campus. Members of the club will remove an area of overgrown shrubs to build their garden from the ground up. Together, they will decide which vegetables in particular they would like to plant and maintain in the garden. Produce will be donated to Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church, who will then reallocate the vegetables to local food banks.

Another club at VHHS is Rebel Up Outreach. This club is dedicated to raising awareness and acceptance for special needs students. Members of the club spend time with the life skills students and participate in various activities the life skills class plans throughout the year. Rebel Up Outreach and the Gardening Rebels have joined together in a partnership where students involved in either club can participate in the other club’s activities and events.

The Gardening Rebels intend for the vegetable garden to double as a sensory garden. A sensory garden is an outdoor space that stimulates the five human senses. This type of garden can improve concentration and brain development and provide various calming, meditative benefits. The garden will be used for the life skills students as both a sensory and learning garden. Gardening Rebels member Ivy Morin says she is “very excited for the possibilities of the future garden!” From October 3 to October 17th, the Gardening Rebels are hosting a donation drive in hopes of making their garden more attainable. They are accepting all items such as gardening supplies, hubcaps, plastic and glass bottles, keys, CDs, tins, pots, pans, decorative chairs, can pop tops, plastic caps, and anything else that will make noise or can be recycled as windchime or garden art. If you would like to contribute to the drive, please drop off any donations in the front lobby.

Lastly, the Gardening Rebels intend to incorporate a pollinator garden within the vegetable garden. Pollinator gardens are primarily made up of flowers that produce nectar or pollen for pollinating insects. These insects are extremely significant to the survival of the garden as they spread the pollen among plants, giving the plants the ability to flourish.

All are welcome, so join today and turn over a “new leaf” at Vestavia Hills High School with the Gardening Rebels!

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