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Study Tips and Tricks!

High school can be hard. The last four years of high school matter most, it determines your GPA and potential academic rewards. As a junior I’ve learned that high school isn’t as hard once you know how to actually study! So I’m here to tell you ways to study, what your study method might be, and places to study!

There are hundreds of different ways to study for each academic subject. So I’ll start with English. The majority of the time English is gonna be just straight memorization. So if that means flash card, quizlet, kahoot, ect… that's your best bet. In English, most of the time you’ll have quizzes and tests on vocab, grammar, and books you read. Vocab once again, is just straight up memorization, but one tip is to find something that reminds you of a word. For example, Oppose. The first 3 letters are O-P-P, when I see that I think opposite (opposite team), and one definition of opposed is when you compete against (someone) in a contest.

Reading books that aren't interesting can be hard to study for, but with these few simple tasks it makes it so much easier. First, if your teacher stops in class to talk about a certain scene in the book, it's probably gonna be on the test, so I’d highlight it or put a note. And lastly, before a test, go onto YouTube and look up book summaries to refresh your memory on the book. That way if your teacher decides to put a writing section to summarize the book like mine do, you'll be ready.

Now to History and Science. History and science are both memorization, so English quizlet, kahoot, flashcards, and youtube videos are gonna be your best friends. Vestavia also offers homework help and peer tutoring. If you're struggling and need additional help, signing up for these can really help.

Now for Math, Math can get confusing, but the mindset to have is “Just do it, don't think, just do it.” 60% of students struggle in math because of overthinking the questions. For instance, “Why do you place this number there?” When studying for math, the best thing to do is to print out old worksheets from the unit and do them without your notes. If you still don’t understand it, Khanacademy is an amazing resource. If your teacher provides a study guide, do it first with your notes, then print it out and do it again without your notes. Majority of the time teachers will pull questions from the study guide and use them in the actual test. And most importantly: breathe, a grade doesn’t determine your worth.

There are 3 types of study methods: Visual, auditory, and reading/writing. Learning which method you are will drastically not only change your grade but your ability to comprehend information. For me personally, I am a visual/writing learner. To identify which method you could potentially be, I suggest trying each method and quiz yourself to see which method helped you obtain information better. If you CLICK HERE you'll be taken to a short self assessment to help figure out what learning style you are.

Finding a place to study can be important. The environment you study in can make a positive impact on one's learning. First off, places NOT to study: your bed. Studying in your bed may be comfy, but naturally you're gonna wanna get cozy which can potentially lead to you falling asleep. Another place not to study is a noisy area or a place with a lot of distractions. When studying in a distracting place, your brain loses focus and you don't comprehend the information. When studying, you should be in a quiet place with no distractions, preferably a desk. Vestavia has tons of options in school and out of school to go study. To start with is Panera at the City center. Panera is already a hot spot for students because of their food, wifi, and being close to home. Another option is Starbucks. There are many Starbucks scattered around Birmingham, it's quiet, has good coffee, and free wifi. If you don’t wanna go to either of those, there is The Library in the Forest. The Library in the Forest is the best place to study. It has a variety of different areas to study. For instance, a balcony, an enclosed room, and many other places. Lastly is the VHHS Library. In the back of the library there is a silent corner where you can study in peace without interruption.

Study Tricks and Tips

  • Have ADHD? When doing homework keep your shoes on. It tricks the brain, helping you focus better.

  • Teach the lesson you are studying for (without notes) to your friends, parents, dog, ect…

  • Study for 30-50 minutes and take a 10 minute break after

  • ALWAYS read ahead if given certain pages

  • Music (background music) is shown to help concentration

  • Write everything you know on a piece of paper. Then, compare with class notes. If you don’t know something, go study it.

  • Color code your notes

    • Studies show that warmer colors (red, yellow) help with memorization

  • SQ3R Method

    • Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review

  • Fuel your body

  • Exercise before studying

  • Study groups

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