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Student Leader Highlight: Lynley Threadcraft

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

By Savannah Gann and Laura Kate Lawrence

When students see Lynley Threadcraft walking towards them holding a microphone marked with the VNN symbol, they become immersed with fear. This school year, the senior has built up the Vestavia News Network to become more in-tune with the students. Threadcraft states, “If I’m being honest, the morning announcements aren’t necessarily supposed to be entertaining, but you want people to pay attention to them, because it’s information that people need to know.” Some of the newly added segments include Trivia Tuesdays, Munch that Lunch, and Student Surveys. “Much that Lunch” consists of Threadcraft walking up to students during lunch, and asking them to eat their lunch as fast as possible. The segment was edited with comical zoom-ins and sound effects to create entertaining morning announcements for VHHS students. Threadcraft’s personal favorite added segments were filmed during Homecoming week. She adds, “When I do interviews, my goal is to catch people off guard, in order to catch ‘chaos’ ”.

Other than VNN, Lynley Threadcraft is involved in VHHS through SGA as the Director of Publicity. Her responsibilities include: running the SGA instagram page, helping with pep rallies, and one of her favorite activities to do as Director of Publicity is making banners for the football team. The SGA instagram consistently posts announcements and reminders for students including game themes, pep rally themes, and times for sporting events. Threadcraft holds an impressive list of extracurricular activities including Youth Leadership, mentoring at West Elementary School, Tennis team, Eco Club, Help the Hills, the Student Section Committee, Diamond Dolls, VNN, and SGA.

Lynley plans to attend Auburn University next Fall. She is interested in Government and History, and she plans to major in Journalism with hopes to attend law school in the future.

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