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Places To Hangout Before School

Before the sharp sound of the 8:15am bell rings across the school to prompt students to go to their first period class, most students hang out with their friends in various locations across the building. Some selected places include more conventional options such as the library or the cafeteria, while less frequented spots include specific places in hallways or simply staying in cars in the parking lot.

The cafeteria ranks as one of the most popular places to hang out, mainly because of the availability of breakfast options and the multitude of people in there. “I prefer the cafeteria because I can not only get something to eat in the mornings when I don’t have time for breakfast at home, but I can also talk to a variety of friends that I don’t usually see in my classes. We’re all in one spot for once,” clarified Tyah Hudson. The sheer amount of students who flock to the cafeteria every morning shows that a large portion of the student body shares her sentiments.

Another heavily frequented location is the library. The multipurpose space gives stressed students a relatively quiet spot to complete any homework assignments they might not have had time to do the night before, as well as a sizable assortment of books for avid readers to check out. The plush chairs and living-room environment provide a homey, comfortable start to the day for those who choose to spend their time in the library in the mornings.

While spots in the hallway may not seem like particularly welcoming areas to spend mornings, several students find solace in their selected locations. “I love my group’s little corner because it gives us our own place to meet in the mornings that’s somewhat tucked away and that we’ve made into our own spot,” explained Ryan Yancey. For many people who choose this option, having a place to call their own (at least for the first half hour of the day) amidst the maze of hallways and classrooms provides a sense of belonging and ownership as well as a common meeting ground for their close circles of friends.

Finally, some students elect to not enter the building before they have to and instead relax in either their own car or a friend’s car before classes start. Much like the other choices, this option has several benefits. Some enjoy the access to a decent sound system, others delight in being able to sit in an area slightly warmer than the chilly halls of the high school, and still others appreciate the solitary nature of their own vehicle.

Whatever the reason for a student’s selected hangout location before morning classes begin, all of the options come with their own benefits and drawbacks. An abundance of locations exist throughout the high school to meet whatever preferences and needs people may have for their own morning routines before they jump into their much more organized daily schedule of classes.

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