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National Honor Society Tapping

Every year Vestavia Hills High School chooses a group of juniors and seniors with above a 3.75 GPA to be inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS). Being chosen to join NHS is a huge accomplishment for these students.

I personally was inducted into the National Honor Society this year and was surprised by how fun it was! One of the main things the organization does is something called "tapping," which takes place the day before the NHS induction ceremony. The seniors who have already been inducted into NHS are given either a junior or senior to tap to signify that they have been selected to join the honor society. The entire selection process of who will be tapped and who will be doing the tapping is a complete surprise! On tapping day, the seniors will go to their assigned student's second-period class and tap them, giving them some candy, an NHS sticker, a certificate, and a few sheets of paper with more information regarding NHS. Then, the senior is required to take a picture with who they tapped, which is shown on a slide show at the induction ceremony.

Overall, the NHS tapping is one of best traditions at Vestavia Hills High School! It's a fun way to surprise people who are being inducted and a unique opportunity to make an upperclassman friend.

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