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Letter from the Editor 9/25

We’re back!!

While it’s been over a month since we’ve come back to school, it’s always an adjustment that takes some getting used to. For me, going into my senior year has taken more adjustment and has warranted more change than I’m used to. With every new opportunity, stress and excitement come hand in hand.

There’s many reasons why I’m looking forward to Pillar’s first drop, but one of the biggest ones is that I’m so excited to get back in the flow of our drops—one every two weeks, as always. Even though it’s just our second year, Pillar already feels like a tradition to me, something that our entire school shares, and something that serves to amplify our students’ voices.

Pillar’s staff meets monthly to discuss article assignments and set due dates. Around half of our articles are assigned events, covering moments at football games, dances, and fundraisers. The remainder of our articles are on topics chosen by the writers themselves. Pillar drops every other Monday, and half of the staff is assigned to each drop.

Each article is edited by our student editors, with Carol Li on News, Eddy Pang on Student Life, Mallory Dean on Opinion, and Jasmine Zhang as Junior Editor. After that, each article is reviewed by the Editor-In-Chief (me!), and formatted for posting on the website.

I’m so proud of this first drop—our writers knocked it out of the park. While my job on drop days is to give each article a final skim-through, there were several articles that I couldn’t help but read from top to bottom. From our win at Hoover last week, to our speech and debate team’s novices and their stellar performance, to an opinion piece on what Vestavia students would like to see in our school, this drop has something for everyone. As Sarah said last year, “I hope this set of articles conveys what it truly means to be part of a community like Vestavia.”

Happy reading,

Anusha Singh


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