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Letter From The Editor 4/29

Hey everyone! Welcome to the last drop of Vestavia Pillar for the 2023-24 school year!

I'm so thankful for our team this year. Every time I read an article before it went live, I was beyond impressed with what each writer was able to produce. I’m so grateful for our staff and the amount of effort they’ve put into writing articles, interviewing students, and doing their own research to put out a variety of amazing reads.

Our editorial board deserves a huge thank you as well. Not only did they spend their Sundays editing articles for each drop, they’ve supported me in my role and been amazing examples for the rest of our staff. This year’s editorial board included Carol Li as News Editor, Eddy Pang as Student Life Editor, Mallory Dean as Opinion Editor, and Jasmine Zhang (your future Editor-in-Chief) as Junior Editor! I’m so thankful for them all!

I’m also so grateful for our sponsor, Madame Harlan. From clearing up her busy schedule to hold meetings to painstakingly helping me figure out our finances this year, her support was unmatched, and we couldn't have done it without her.

This year, Pillar published 81 articles. It's been an incredible journey, and I hope everyone has had a chance to check out some of the amazing content.

Looking ahead, I'm excited for Pillar's future. I can’t wait to hand it over to next year's Editor-in-Chief, Jasmine Zhang. She's been so supportive and hardworking throughout this past year as Junior Editor, and I know she'll do a wonderful job leading Pillar next year. Here are a few words from her!

Hi everyone! My name is Jasmine Zhang and I will be Pillar's Editor-in-Chief for the upcoming school year! I have enjoyed being a writer and editor for the past two years. I am beyond excited to continue what Anusha has done for Pillar this year. It's been an incredible journey watching Pillar continue to grow and impact the students at Vestavia Hills High School. I am excited to continue on the legacy! Thank you all for taking time to read the articles and I'll see you this fall!

Signing Off, 

Anusha Singh

2023-24 Editor-In-Chief

Signing On,

Jasmine Zhang

2024-25 Editor-In-Chief

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