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Letter From the Editor 3/20

Hey y’all,

Welcome or welcome back to Pillar, and happy Spring! As of today: Monday, March 20th, it is officially the season of Spring until Summer starts on June 21st. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. The days get longer, the weather gets cooler, and the flowers bloom. While nature rests in the Winter, it wakes up in the Spring, covering everything in new growth and greenery. Just like our gardens, we seem to grow in the Spring as well. The Spring calendar at VHHS is full of exciting opportunities for try-outs, auditions, and elections.

As we begin to prepare for next year, it is important to look upon the things that are staples at Vestavia. As we grow, we need to pay attention to our roots, and what empowers us to grow into our best selves. One of the most important traditions at Vestavia is RISE.

This year is no exception to the incredible efforts put in by VHHS students to raise money for the O’Neil Comprehensive Cancer Center. This year’s slogan for the RISE Season is “A Million Reasons,” referencing this year’s goal to reach $1,000,000 in combination with past seasons. There have already been an overwhelming amount of teams raising money in unique ways to benefit the cause. However, no matter your involvement in fundraising, everyone is invited to attend the culmination of fundraising, RISE Day, which will occur later this Spring.

So this Spring, make sure to grow together, and support each other, and support a great cause.

It has truly been an eventful few weeks, and this drop sure does it justice! With everything from parking lot opinions to fashion trends at prom, I’m confident everyone can find something they enjoy.

Happy Reading,

Sarah Dewees


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