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Letter From The Editor 10/17

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Author and photographer Doe Zantamata once said, “taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective.”

As the first nine-weeks comes to a close, and the second finds its momentum, it is to be expected that the year will start to move quicker. Classes may move into more challenging material, extracurriculars may saturate more of one’s free time, and it may be hard to find time to come up for air.

However, the moments we perform at our best are when we are rested, relaxed, and confident in our ability. There are plenty of ways to find a little bit of peace during the day. Whether it be spending a homework break outside, studying with a friend, or rewarding yourself with something fun after a big test, it is vital to find ways to relieve the stress that the school year often brings.

This past break, I hope everyone was able to take time to focus on things that bring them joy, and recharge for the upcoming weeks.

In this drop, we celebrate hard work paid off. From hours of case-memorization for Mock Trial, to nights practicing Girl’s Flag Football, it is important to praise the efforts of teams all-around. However, this issue also allows us to learn about ways to decompress in between the excitement. Read about one student’s opinion on incorporating a therapy dog into life at VHHS, or find ways to enjoy free time at the library. Whatever it is, I hope this drop helps you find a moment of peace during this busy season.

Happy Reading,

Sarah Dewees


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