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Writer's pictureLaura Kate Lawrence

Homecoming Week Dress-Up Themes

What a fun week of festivities for Homecoming week 2022! As the Rebels anticipated the football game on Friday night, Along with many other events, there has been dress-up themes for the entire school to take part in! Each daily theme was related to Chelsea Hornets, our opponent this year!

Monday's theme was Twin/Dynamic Duo day! Walking through the hallways you would see anyone from Mario & Luigi to Thing 1 and Thing 2! Tuesday was Rock and Roll! Everyone has a Rock and Roll band tee, right? Tuesday brought lots of dress-up participation and we even had the student-run news network interviewing students to ask if they knew songs from the band on their shirts! Walking through the hallways on Wednesday was blinding because it was Construction Day! Everywhere you looked was neon construction vests and hard hats galore! I even saw students wearing traffic cone costumes! As we neared the big game- we had grade level themes for Friday night lights, Seniors: football coaches, Juniors: referees, Sophomores: football players, and Freshmen: fans! We got a taste of what it's like to be on the field on Friday nights, on a Thursday!

One student dressed up as our head football coach, Robert Evans- His costume was so spot on- most couldn't spot the difference between them! Finally, Friday! The grade level themes each went with their Homecoming Float! Seniors were Hollywood the Hornets, Juniors were Haunt the Hornets, Sophomores were Circus Chelsea, and lastly, the Freshmen were Chill-Out Chelsea!

This Homecoming week has been anything but boring! The themes showed the outstanding support for the football team, and made for an extra fun week at school!

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