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Homecoming Week Dress Up

From 101 Dalmatians to Boss Tweed, French fries and butterflies to babies and grannies, and Dobby to the Smurfs, this week of dress-up themes has seen an overflow of creativity and fun.

Homecoming Week is here, and it is one of the most exciting times of Vestavia’s school year. There are fundraisers, powderpuff, the student-faculty basketball game, club meetings, decor competitions, the Homecoming court reveal, the Homecoming football game, and the dance, but one aspect especially sets this special week apart from others. Between all of the donating, planning, picture spot-picking, and club campaigning, students have been running around town and online to gather costumes for this week’s dress-up themes.

The SGA chose daily themes for the whole school to participate in, with separate grade themes on Friday. Monday saw movies, TV, and celebrity stars. Tuesday, students time-traveled through the decades and centuries. Wednesday, students thought hard and rhymed without a reason. Thursday, seniors became elders while other classes were babies. On Friday, the band was Old Macdonald Oak Mountain, the Freshman class Regaled the Eagles, Sophomores Operated Oak Mountain, Juniors were Expecto Patronum the Eagles, and Seniors were Enchant the Eagles.

With the overflowing amount of possibilities and many dress-up themes, participation in dressing up this year seemed spectacular. In all classrooms, there were students in fun outfits, wigs, sunglasses, glitter, masks, and tutus.

But were the dress-up themes appreciated by all? A few complaints were made about the inclusivity of the themes. Some students commented that they were too broad and hard to find items for. Some male students felt that it was more difficult for them to dress up than the girls. Others believed having separate grade themes for each day would have improved participation. But for the most part, students saw the themes this year as unique, entertaining, and connective.

Among students questioned, Rhyme Without a Reason was the favorite theme. They adored the different outfits that displayed humor and effort. They noted the high participation level, inclusivity, and uniqueness of outfits as the main reasons for their enjoyment.

The least favorite theme was Outgrow Oak Mountain. At least, for the undergraduate classes, it was. The seniors enjoyed their separation from the other classes, but other grade levels found it hard to dress up as babies. However, there was still widespread participation and an abundance of onesies and pacifiers.

But why are dress up days important? It’s Homecoming week, and there are a million things to worry about while leading up to the big day on Saturday. How can we all handle the hassle of finding outfits and dressing up each day?

We all fought through the stress of this week and showed up to school with a surplus of fun on display because these days are crucial to our memories, school spirit, and connectivity. While we may not remember every grade’s theme or the outfits we wore in the years to come, having fun with outfits throughout the school week of Homecoming has been inspiring, entertaining, and essential to schoolwide pride.

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