Since the leaves have finally started changing colors and the weather has gotten cooler, we have officially entered fall! As many of you know, with fall comes new seasonal foods. Below, I’ll be listing suggestions for dishes to make for this wonderful season.
Starting the list, we have two fall favorites: pumpkin pie and apple pie. Many associate fall with apples, specifically drinks and pies. Apple pie is a favorite among many. In fact, 92% of Americans say they enjoy eating pie, and among these pies apple pie is the winner! Fall is also the season for pumpkins, so what better way to celebrate that than with pumpkin pie? Pumpkin pie is the second most popular pie in the country, specifically in the western United States. You can also add your own twist to both of these pies by adding pecans, chocolate, or even pistachio.
As previously mentioned, pumpkins are a fall favorite. Another delicious dish with pumpkins are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! Simply mix in some pumpkin while making cookies to create some pumpkin flavored cookies and add chocolate chips for extra flavor. This is a great way to take advantage of the pumpkin season and cookies in general are delicious any time of the year.
This next dish can be used all year, but is traditionally seen as a fall dish: mac and cheese! This is great to make when you have visitors over and will be feeding many. Also, everyone loves mac and cheese so there is no need to worry that people won’t like it. For more of an autumn feel, you can add extra ingredients to your dish, such as apples, butternut squash, or even nutmeg. If you feel like mac and cheese isn’t enough, serve it with a side of cornbread, which is also in season.
These last two are more for the weather aspect of autumn, since it tends to be chillier in the fall. You can make comfort foods: chicken noodle soup or hot chocolate. These two do not pair well together, but definitely help you stay warm in this chilly fall weather! Hot chocolate takes minutes to make, and is very sweet, especially when made with milk. A third of Americans say they drink hot chocolate during cold seasons of the year. Not only this, but half of Ameicans say they enjoy hot chocolate! On top of this, if you ever have a cold or need an easy dish for dinner, make chicken noodle soup. Soup tends to be delicious no matter what type, and chicken noodle soup is loved among many.
All these dishes are great for the fall season! Whenever you’re bored, pull out your baking supplies and make some pie. Or if you're looking for an autumn inspired dinner, make some mac and cheese!