To the average high school student, arguing is a hobby. Whether it’s about if the crispitos in the lunchroom are the same as the ones a few years ago or if China’s spy balloon retained any information, people love to argue. And what’s a hobby without a place to use it? When thinking about clubs for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year, YOPO is one to consider. YOPO stands for Young Politicians. They meet on club days, and they debate current event issues as well as ranging political issues. Some topics discussed include Roe v. Wade, ideal size of government, mental health, local issues, and so much more. Arguments stay calm, but there are definitely strong believers in each subject. There are no prerequisites to joining the club other than the requirement to stay respectful. If talking is not ideal for you, but you love listening about political events, this club can still work for you!
This club helps enlighten students on political events that they may not know about, teaches students to use their voice, and also helps students figure out which political belief suits them best. Through taking this club, many students say they have gained a deeper understanding in politics and their own political beliefs. The club remains professional during its course, making sure all members feel heard and respected in order to allow for the safest space for students to speak their mind about controversial topics.
The club has around 40 members who all come from very different backgrounds. It is diverse in beliefs and houses many different political ideologies. Riley Newsome (‘24) serves as Sergeant of Arms. Annie Gilleland (‘23) serves as Chief Justice. Colton Smith (‘24) serves as Graphic Designer. Adeline Smith (‘24) serves as Social Media Coordinator. Katherine de Buys (‘23) serves as Secretary. Kathleen Gardner (‘23) serves as Treasurer. Clara White (‘23) serves as Vice President. Lastly, John Michael Chandash (‘23) serves as President. Together, these eight students help mediate and maintain order between the students of the club. The club is sponsored by math teacher, Mr. Woodall, and they meet in room A236. To end every meeting the group takes a photo together, typically taken by a leader, and gathers up Mr. Woodall’s chairs to maintain order. On club sign up day, this club often fills up pretty fast. Whether looking to be a politician, wanting to hear some arguments, or looking for an extra boost to add to your college resume, YOPO is the club for you!