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Club Highlight: The World Records Club

This year, the World Records Club is a new club and has been a source of interest among students. The World Records Club was created by Benjamin Keene and is sponsored by Coach Hardee. The club's goal is to break as many world records as possible before the end of the school year. Its members can split into groups or work individually to break their chosen world record.

A few records that have been proposed according to the World Record Clubs Instagram are breaking the records for the farthest rubber chicken throw (25.23 meters), the most layers in a sandwich (60 layers), the fastest time to apply ten surgical masks (5.12 seconds), and the most successful volleyball serves in one minute (38 serves). One club member, Livi Cate Osborne, stated that she plans to break the world record for "the fastest time to arrange the alphabet from a can of alphabet soup" and that the record to beat is "two minutes and eight seconds." Another club member, Grayson Folmar, stated his group plans to break the world record for the "amount of sticky notes put on a face in under a minute," with the world record being 60 sticky notes.

However, not all records are up for grabs, as one dejected club member claimed that his request to break the world record for the amount of jello eaten with chopsticks in one minute, currently 716 grams, was rejected. This is due to the club's rule against breaking food-eating records. Another requirement of the club is after choosing a world record, club members are discouraged from giving up at breaking the record, even if it takes the whole school year. The requirement encourages club members to be selective and take their time choosing their world record.

Overall, club members appear to find the concept of the club enjoyable as one club member, Brooks Bennett, puts it: "I joined the club because it seemed really fun." Many members also hope the club will continue to grow in the following years. So far, no world records have been broken, but club members are optimistic that many records will be broken by the end of the year.

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