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Club Highlight: CHEM Club

Vestavia Hills High School has a plethora of clubs and activities to choose from. If you like planes, there’s the aviation club. Maybe you’re into sports; there’s a cornball and spike ball club. Or perhaps you like to clean up the environment; there’s an eco club for that. With so many options to choose from, it seems like there’s a club for everything. However, if you were looking to satiate your desire for chemistry, then you may have noticed there wasn’t a club for that. Lucky for you, Vestavia Hills High School is welcoming a new club, the CHEM Club, run by Jessica Sutherland in room A126. CHEM club offers a place for everyone to come together and embrace the beauty of chemistry. As of now, the club is in its early stages. However, the club has big plans to become a sensational hit both within and outside the walls of the school.

The club’s first president, vice president, secretary, lab coordinator, and historian are Ali Fathallah, Zhu Zhu Wang, Timothy Li, James Junkin, and me, respectively. The club’s leadership team will aid the growth of this promising club and plan its activities throughout the school year. These activities include celebrating Mole Day and cool lab experiments (no explosions, unfortunately). At the moment, the club is not requiring any dues. However, one shouldn’t be surprised if they are required to pitch in. A club’s members should all contribute to ensure its success. Even a little bit can go a long way.

As Homecoming approached, the CHEM club designed its Homecoming sign and decided on a demonstration for Homecoming. The demonstration included mixing baking soda and vinegar, which led to the creation of CO2 gas. This gas could be scooped up, poured out, and even used to suspend a balloon in midair. Lit candles were placed out while the CO2 was collected in a cup. Tipping the cup over the candles would extinguish their flames like an invisible liquid, a mesmerizing sight.

The club has drafted a schedule that consists of lab experiments and speaker sessions. The leadership team is still open to any suggestions from its members. One suggestion included the designation of a club meeting for nap time. So far, the club has made substantial progress and may soon reach the size of older clubs. The next time you sign up for clubs, consider the CHEM Club for a fun and memorable experience.

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