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23-24 VHHS French Trip

By Kate Rhodes and Mary Natalie Lenoir 

From December 26th to January 3rd, VHHS French students went on an exciting and memorable excursion through France and Switzerland to practice their language skills in French-speaking countries, learn about a new culture, and enjoy a unique and enriching experience thanks to the study of French. 

Day 1

After a long flight, we arrived jet-lagged but excited to be in Paris. After meeting our tour guide, some of the group climbed the iconic Arc de Triomphe while others strolled along the Champs Elysees. We took a walking tour around the city and saw the Paris Opera House (which inspired The Phantom of the Opera), explored the Tuileries gardens of the Louvre, strolled through Christmas markets, and walked along the Seine River which runs through the city. 

Day 2

We began our second day in Paris with a bus tour of the city where we saw the Eiffel Tower and Les Invalides, where Napoleon Bonaparte is buried. Then, we ascended the stairs of the Sainte Chapelle to witness the church’s ornate stained glass. In the evening, we took a boat ride down La Seine and ended the night by climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower.   

Day 3

We spent the majority of the third day inside the Louvre Museum and explored many of the exhibits. Through a guided tour, we saw Venus de Milo, Winged Victory, and The Mona Lisa before traversing through the museum on our own. Then, we went to a perfume museum where we learned about the perfume-making process. That evening, we went to Montmartre, the iconic bohemian French neighborhood where many famous artists have resided. In Montmartre, we saw the church Sacre Coeur, and then for dinner, we had escargot (snails). 

Day 4

On Day 4 we said au revoir to Paris. We took a high-speed TGV train to Strasbourg, France, the seat of the European parliament. In Strasbourg, we saw parliamentary buildings, the charming timber houses of the Grand Île, and the Gothic Strasbourg Cathedral, completed in 1439. 

Day 5

We began the 5th day with a bus ride to Colmar, another city in the Alsace region filled with canals and buildings dating back to the Middle Ages. Later, we took a bus ride up the Vosges mountains to Château Haut-Koenigsberg, a castle built in the 12th century. We then returned to Strasbourg and had our New Year's Eve dinner. We celebrated the new year by watching fireworks in the town square. 

Day 6

We began the first day of the new year with a day trip to Bern, the capital city of Switzerland. We followed our Swiss tour guide throughout the beautiful city. We gazed at the beautiful Aare river that runs through Bern. Since the river is not polluted, many of Bern’s residents often swim in the Aare. We drank from the city fountains, and we learned that there are no murders and little crime in Bern. We also saw Albert Einstein’s home and learned that he developed the theory of relativity in this city. Then, we went ice skating in one of the squares. After, we left Bern and traveled to Lucerne. 

Day 7

On our final day abroad, we took a train ride up to Mount Rigi Kulm and played in the snow while taking in the views of the Swiss Alps. We then spent the day exploring the city of Lucerne. We saw Lucerne's famous lion monument which commemorates Swiss guards who died during the French Revolution. Next, we walked along the picturesque Chapel Bridge that overlooks Luscern’s lake.  

Day 8

On Day 8, we began the long voyage back to Birmingham. While we were glad to be done traveling, we knew we would miss the adventure and beauty of Europe. 

Some of the language programs at our school have upcoming trips to Europe planned. Our trip was incredibly well-planned and was so much fun. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with countless experiences that helped us grow in our study of French. If anyone wants an opportunity to practice their language skills and experience a different culture, I strongly recommend going on one of these trips.

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